

Communication and configuration board

The SM comboard provides a convenient way to get started with the Simplex Motion SE motors.


  • USB to RS485 Modbus converter
  • Potentiometer for analog input
  • 4 switches for digital inputs
  • Over voltage protection with LED indicator
  • Cable for SE-series

Connect to a PC for setup, running and logging of the motor using Simplex Motion Tool.

A quick and easy way of getting started with your SE-series motor!


Technical data for SM-Comboard:

pdf-icon-small TechnicalDataSM-Comboard_01d.pdf

Previous models

pdf-icon-small TechnicalDataSM-Comboard_01c.pdf


SE-Cable, SE-Series cable 30cm

SE-ComCable, connectors in both ends, 30cm

SE-ComCable75, connectors in both ends, 75cm

SA-Cable, open end, 30cm

SA-ComCable, connectors in both ends, 30cm


Connection cable for SE-Series motors. With this cable you get access to all I/Os from the motor by attaching the stripped and tinned cables too your application.

Note, if you don’t use all the connections, make sure that the cable ends not used don’t touch each other creating shortcuts that can damage the motors. This can be done by cutting them off, detach them from the connection or in some over way making sure that they physically can’t touch each other’s ends.


SMDump is a solution to dump excessive energy in a resistor.

In certain applications energy is generated by the motor, typically when high inertia load is decelerated. If the system is unable to handle the excessive energy, the supply voltage will increase which potentially will lead to damage.

By using the SMDump, the motor can monitor the supply voltage, and dump excessive energy in the brake resistor.


Technical data for SMDump:

pdf-icon-small SMdump documentation 01b.pdf

 SMInterface Opto

The SMInterface Opto is a galvanically isolated I/O board

It supports 4 channels of digital signals, where each can be selected to be a digital input or output.

SM Interface

Technical data for SMInterface Opto:

pdf-icon-small SmInterfaceOptoManual01b.pdf

 SMInterface Encoder

The SmInterface Encoder circuit board is a simple accessory that converts between single ended and differential signals.

It greatly reduces the effects of external noise and ground bouncing, issues that are common in installations with motors and power electronics.

One common use is to enhance robustness when using a quadrature encoder signal to synchronize several motors.


Technical data for SMInterface Encoder:

pdf-icon-small SmInterfaceEncoderManual01c.pdf