Besök oss på Elmia Subcontractor i monter C05:17 och se en svensktillverkad integrerad servomotor. Du får även möjlighet att träffa grundaren av Simplex Motion AB, Johan Linder, som presenterar vårt motorprogram och lösningar för styrd rörelse.
Ta chansen och lär dig mer om hur enkelt det är och skall vara att integrera en servomotor i en produkt, maskin eller system.
Vi ställer ut tillsammans med Ankarsrum Electric Motors AB

We welcome Peter Wallberg to Simplex Motion as our new Technical Sales Manager!

With your background and experience this will be a perfect fit for success building long term relationships with our customers.

Simplex Motion will exhibit at the SPS Nürnberg fair, hall 4, stand 110. Visit us and see, maybe the most compact motor drive unit in the world. You will also find our compact integrated servomotors and brushless dc-motors with control.


The compact open frame design of our servomotor make them ideal for built-in applications. Click here to see how!

Synchronize unlimited number of motors for the perfect motion. Watch the movie and learn more on LinkedIn

Did you know that our motors can be programmed to run in sequences? See examples of what is possible here!

In our series Features of Integrated Servomotors, we present Operating Modes! View the Operating Mode presentation on LinkedIn.