The Team


Magnus Hildingsson


With a focus on sales and marketing, ideas from the team are mixed with market needs balancing the product development.

International experience in sales and business development from various industries in both OEM and After Market.

M.Sc. Industrial Management and Economics, specialization in Innovation Management


Pär Jalbin


The technical expert in all fields saying yes to almost all requests from sales. Responslible for product development, improvement of existing products and production.

Experience: Designing equipment within the Welding industry, Medical device, Satellite communications and Medical Processing.
M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering at Chalmers.


Peter Andersson

Senior HW and SW engineer

The master of new ideas and expert in finding solutions to all problems working with product development in a variety of fields and our technical support.

Experience: 20+ years with designing mechanics, electronics, and software for numerous companies.


Peter Wallberg

Technical Sales

With background from the software development business.

M.Sc. Industrial Engineering and Management at Chalmers


Johan Linder

Inventor and Member of the Board

Founder and inventor of the patented sensor technology used in the integrated servomotors.
Main focus is electronics design and embedded systems. Digital, analog and power electronics, software development and mechanical design.
Core competence within smaller embedded systems including mechatronic systems, such as motor control systems.


Tobias Hagström

Technical Sales

picture of a glassbuilding simplex motion

Simplex Motion AB

Contact us

Simplex Motion AB

Banehagsliden 2

414 51 Gothenburg
