
Downloads for the Servomotors and compact motor solutions.

Simplex Motion Tool, a free software to configure, control and adjust the servomotors.

Firmware, technical specifications and CAD-files to the servomotors and motor controller.

Firmware, technical specifications and CAD-files for discontinued servomotors.

Specifications, Firmware and CAD

Simplex Motion Tool

Simplex Motion Tool SoftwareSimplex Motion Tool 0.3.6
Simplex Motion Tool Software, beta releaseSimplex Motion Tool 0.3.9 beta
Simplex Motion Tool Register files 01.5-16, 02.01-02Register Files
Simplex Motion Tool Register file 01.13SimplexMotionRegisters_p01.13.dat
Simplex Motion Tool Register file 01.15SimplexMotionRegisters_p01.15.dat
Simplex Motion Tool Register file 01.16SimplexMotionRegisters_p01.16.dat
Simplex Motion Tool Register file 01.17SimplexMotionRegisters_p01.17.dat
Simplex Motion Tool Register file 02.01SimplexMotionRegisters_p02.01.dat
Simplex Motion Tool Register file 02.02SimplexMotionRegisters_p02.02.dat
Simplex Motion Tool Register file 02.03SimplexMotionRegisters_p02.03.dat

Previous Models

Specifications, Firmware and CAD