Manuals, specifications and brochures
Find the documents how to configure the servomotors and how to use them in different products and applications in the documents provided.
Technical documentation, manuals, specifications and brochures.
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Simplex Motion Technical Manual | Technical manual describing the general usage of the servomotors. Communication and register setup. |
Simplex Motion Tool Manual | Manual describing the functions of the software and how to use it for configuation of the servomotors. |
Safety Instructions | Safety Instructions |
Technical Specifications
Technical Data SE-series | Technical specifications of the SE-motor series. Contains informations about: SE010, SE020 and SE040. |
Technical DataSH-series | Technical specifications of the SH-motor series. Contains informations about: SH100, SH200. |
Technical Data SM-series | Technical specifications of the SM-motor series. Contains informations about: SM100. |
Technical Data SA-series | Technical specifications of the SA-motor. |
Technical Data TA-series | Technical specification of the TA-series motor controllers |
Marketing Material
Servomotors and compact motor solutions | Main brochure of the complete offer, servomotors, motor controller, gearboxes, drive units and accessories. |
Leaflet Speed Control Motor | Leaflet over the Speed Control Motors. |
Leaflet Motor Drive Units | Leaflet over the Motor Drive Units. |
Leaflet Motor Controller | Leaflet over the Motor Controllers |
Gearboxes and brakes | List of standard gearboxes and brakes available. |