The accessory product SimplexMotionHub (or SmHub for short) allows easy connection of up to 4 SimplexMotion integrated motors to a host controller. It contains a powersupply and a parallel port breakout board for typical CNC applications with common softwares such as Mach3 and LinuxCNC. It also includes a charge pump feature for safe turn on, 0-10V output for spindle speed control and a switchable mains outlet.

SmHub package contents

For more general applications there is also a USB to RS485 converter included, allowing to connect the SmHub unit to a PC computer through the USB interface, and controlling the motors using the robust RS485 network and the Modbus protocol.

The unit also provides customization by including screw terminals on the inside, an extra connector on the front panel and full documentation in the manual including schematics.

Suitable cables for connecting SM100A motorts to the SmHub device is also available

SmHub Cable