
An application note convering conversion of a manual milling machine to a PC computer controlled CNC machine has been published.The machine used for conversion is an Optimum BF20L milling machine. The SimplexMotion100A motor units are used for the X/Y/Z axis drives and the SimplexMotionHub central unit is used for powersupply and motor connections to the PC computer.Spindle on/off and speed control is also implemented.
The SimplexMotion100A motors are suitable to replace step motors in this type of applications to get more performance and functionality to a marginally higer price.

A video is also available that shows the machine modifications and the workflow to do computer controlled 3D milling operations.

BF20 machine with SimplexMotion100A motors

The application note is available here:  SmApplicationNoteCncMillBF20Conversion01a.pdf

And the video: